• 8D14D284
  • Ls-500 Dinamiki benzin benzin hasylly derejeli ýokary derejeli, satylýan ýokary derejeli enjam lazer
  • DTS-2.0 teleskopiki ösýän Emegiň ýaýramagy

    DTS-2.0 teleskopiki ösýän Emegiň ýaýramagy

    This machine is especially suitable for cooperating with other laser leveling machines produced by DYMAMIC to complete the subsequent spreading of emery materials. Emeri Tehnologiýa gözegçiligi bilen ulanyjylar inedördül metri elektroniki ýaýradylan materialyň mukdaryny takyk gözegçilik edip bilerler. The whole process is mechanized, avoiding various construction problems such as uneven material spread, dust and on-site footprints. It is an ideal choice to achieve the overall construction of large area of emery flooring.

  • Ls-500 teleskopiki ösdürip ýetişdiriji galyndady

    Ls-500 teleskopiki ösdürip ýetişdiriji galyndady

    Advantages of DYNAMIC Laser Screed : 1. High construction quality: The ground constructed by the Laser Screed machine average flatness can reach 2mm. 2. Fast construction speed: On average, 3000 square meters of ground pouring can be completed every day. 3. Reduce the amount of formwork support: the formwork consumption is only 38% of the traditional operation method. 4. Uzaluň ýokary derejesi we pes zähmet intensiwligi: operatorlary azaltmak we bir wagtyň özünde zähmet intensiwligini azaltmak. 5. High economic benefit: 30% lower cost per square meter than traditional process.

  • The Laser Screed is used in large area concrete construction, such as the modern industrial workshop, the large market, storage, airport, the plaza, and so on. C

    2. Tizlik çalt we 3000 inedördül metriň meýdany her gün tamamlanyp bilner

  • 企业微信截图 _17011344089684  

  • 1. Cerokary gurluşyk hilli: lazer grolly maşyn bilen gurlan ýer

    3. Bir forma işiniň mukdaryny azaldyň: forma işleýişiniň umumy iş usulynyň diňe 38% -i bar. 4. High degree of automation and low labor intensity: reduce operators by 30% and reduce labor intensity at the same time. 5. High economic benefit: 30% lower cost per square meter than traditional process.